I was so honored to get nominated for another Liebster award! This time my nomination comes from Kim at Racing Bananas. Since I have previously told you 11 random facts about myself, I thought I would just insert a link to that HERE and not bore you with it again. What I did do is answer Kim’s 11 questions for me. I love learning more about the bloggers I read, so I hope you enjoy this as well.
What meal or food do you have to make every week?
Every morning for breakfast I have a cup of coffee and a tiny bowl of nuts. Usually peanuts, but lately I’ve been having almonds as well. I eat tons of different things for lunch and dinner. I like variety for those meals.
If you had a whole day to yourself to do whatever you wanted, what would you do?
This is a hard one. If I didn’t have to count travel time or money, I would go somewhere on my bucket list…like China. Otherwise I’m pretty blessed to do what I love everyday already. 🙂
Are you a dog or a cat person (or other)?
I was neither until I got Louie. Now I am a Louie person! 😉
What is your favorite movie?
I love Shawshank Redemption, Legally Blonde, Something’s Gotta Give, The Longest Yard and You’ve Got Mail. How’s that for a crazy list? This is one of my favorite scenes from The Longest Yard.
I’m a little girl (5’2″) and sometimes I just wish I could be tough like those guys and kick some ass! lol
If you had one wish, what would it be?
Health and happiness for everyone until they decided they were ready to go to heaven.
Who inspires and/or motivates you in your daily life?
I’ve always wanted to make my Mom proud and being a Christian helps guide me down the right path.
What is your biggest accomplishment?
My marriage and kids
In ten years, what do you think your biggest accomplishment will be?
Still my marriage and kids
What is your favorite quote?
For lack of attention a thousand forms of loveliness elude us every day by Evelyn Underhill
Do you have a guilty pleasure? What is it?
Food is my guilty pleasure…but I exercise to help balance it out.
What three items would bring if you were on a deserted island?
Chapstick (because I HATE chapped lips and imagine they would be really bad on an island), camera (because I would want to document my days on the island, plus it would give me something to do) and my glasses (because I can’t see without contacts, but those seemed problematic with sand) Wow, this list makes me feel very practical. lol
Well, that’s it! Again I want to thank Kim for the nomination. I am still waiting for all my last 11 nominees to complete my 11 questions, so I’ll refrain from nominating again. However, I am nominating all of you! Please tell me one random fact about you in the comments below. Come on, you can do it! I want to know my readers better. 🙂
Love that you're a "Louie person";) He looks as sweet as can be!
Enjoyed reading this! Kudos on a happy marriage and family:)
Random fact about me: breakfast is my favorite meal and I enjoy it for supper too:)
Breakfast is also my fav meal…really can go with breakfast alone and make it through the day (well, plus coffee)!